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Providing patient education and engagement locally

Local patient engagement

EUPATI has established National Platforms (ENPs) in 24 countries across Europe and worldwide. All aim to promote patient education and engagement at the national and local level.

ENPs also offer training programmes with national perspectives. 

Discover the different patient expert training opportunities 🌍

What is an ENP?

  • Bringing patient, academic and industry partners together to deliver patient education and patient involvement in medicines R&D.

  • Raising awareness of the important role of patients. Members identifying challenges and opportunities for joint action.

  • Independent, self-sustaining and multi-stakeholder structures, varying from country to country. Membership to an ENP is open to all.

  • Seeking to include government officials, regulatory bodies, healthcare professionals and other interested national partners.

Where are ENPs?

Our ENPs operate locally in Europe and in Japan in national languages and on a national context. Any questions? Contact us via this form.

ENP Strategy Document 2020 - 2025

Read more about the structure and operating model of the ENP Network for the future highlighting how ENPs are fully integrating partners of EUPATI.

ENP Starter Kit

No ENP in your country? Interested in setting an ENP up? Check out our guide to starting your local national platform.

Set up a new ENP today

ENP SharePoint

Are you part of the ENP network? Find all your resources and everything you need to know about your ever-growing network with our shared space.

Access now

EUPATI Toolbox

EUPATI now speaks 14 languages! Explore the EUPATI Toolbox and glossary – our free online resource library on medicines R&D now in many languages.

EUPATI Toolbox

Engage locally

Get connected to your local ENP and help set the future strategy around patient education in your country. Start by visiting your local ENP website or contact us to learn more.