Medical Devices Open Webinar

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On Tuesday 13 September 2022 at 12:00-13:00 CET, EUTPATI is organising an Open Webinar on Medical Devices.

Involvement of patients in medical devices has become an important aspect of the patient engagement field. The medical devices industry is growing rapidly and is being expected to embrace patient engagement and to increase its capacity for meaningful collaboration with patients. For some medtech companies, patient engagement still remains a vision, not knowing how or when to implement it. There is an emerging consensus that patients should be involved in the development of medical devices and supported to present their perspective in this field.

As a response of this growing need, EUPATI established multistakeholder approach for the development of a training module on medical devices, covering all different perspectives. The training module presents the regulatory framework of medical devices, the development of the medical devices lifecycle management, the general principles for market access and patient involvement and the connection with the Health Technology Assessment (HTA). You can freely access the module and study its content at your own pace right now on the Open Classroom.

This webinar seeks to:

  • Present the multistakeholder approach and an overview of the working process in the creation of the EUPATI Medical Devices Module
  • Share different examples and best practices of patient involvement in the medtech sector
  • Introduce the roadmap for patient involvement in medical devices

Provisional Agenda:

12.00 – 12.05  Welcome and introduction

12.05 – 12.45   Introduction to the EUPATI Medical Devices Module and the value of patient involvement

  • The patient experience in the development of the EUPATI Medical Devices Module (Lotte Klim, EUPATI Fellow)
  • The medtech industry perspective (Yves Bayon, Medtronic)
  • The academic perspective (Paula Wray, Oxford University)
  • Introduction to the roadmap for patient involvement in medical devices (Dominique Hamerlijnck, EUPATI Fellow)
  • The Module in the EUPATI Open Classroom (Ieva Lukase, EUPATI Secretariat)

12.45 – 13.00  Q&A session, end of the webinar

Interested? Register to the webinar !

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