
In addition to its Sustaining Partners, EUPATI collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders within the patient education and patient engagement landscape. The different collaborations strenghten EUPATI’s multi-stakeholder public private partnership. Some of these are listed below.

In addition, EUPATI has close partnerships with national health councils, regulatory agencies (including the European Medicines Agency, EMA) and HTA bodies. EU-associated organisations, providing the opportunity for funding, such as the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), the European Institute of Innovation and Technology EIT are additional key partners for EUPATI. There is also an ongoing cooperation with the Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi).

If you would like to collaborate us, contact us directly via or our Collaborate portal.

Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO)

Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) is the global voice for people who suffer from any disease, disability, illness, impairment, or syndrome, and is the focal point for patients’ organizations around the world. IAPO is a non-State actor in an official relationship with the WHO and focuses on patient-centered healthcare. IAPO is a unique global alliance, committed to improving the lives of patients from all around the world. It aims to nurture relationships with members, partners and all those involved in healthcare, and build dialogue with decision-makers around the world to promote patient-centered healthcare. IAPO was registered as a not-for-profit foundation in 1999 in the Netherlands and as as a charity in the UK in 2014.

EUPATI, IAPO and Patient Academy for Innovation and Research (PAIR) work together as collaborative partners to create a patient education programme in the Asia-Pacific Region and beyond. This collaboration is based on the current EUPATI programme and model of education and delivery and will aim to expand the EUPATI programme of patient engagement into currently unserved global regions.

EFPIA Patient Think Tank

The EFPIA Patient Think Tank is a forum for an open exchange of ideas, information and perspectives between Patient Organisations and industry on topical issues impacting on patients. EUPATI has a role as an Observer in the Patient Think Tank.

ERA PerMed

ERA PerMed is a funding scheme for the research area of Personalised Medicine. It is the biggest ERA-Net in Health, supported by 32 partners from 23 countries and co-funded by the European Commission. It seeks to align national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in Personalised Medicine, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries, national funding organisations have agreed to launch Joint Transnational Calls for collaborative innovative research projects in Personalised Medicine.

EUPATI and ERA PerMed collaborate around matchmaking and patient engagement, focusing on bringing patients as active partners into the processes of research and research funding strategies.

Patient Academy for Innovation and Research (PAIR)

Patient Academy for Innovation and Research (PAIR) was set up to develop and maintain capacity amongst patients in the Asia-Pacific Region and in the LMIC across the globe, to enable them to engage with their health systems in a more meaningful and strategic manner. By equipping patients to care for themselves and others, by framing their experience with evidence-based expertise, and by encouraging them to share their expertise with other patients who suffer from the same or similar conditions and diseases PAIR hopes to co-create patient-centered effective and efficient health systems. PAIR, in the emerging digital world, wants to empower patients with chronic conditions into becoming Expert-Patients so they can participate in and understand how to navigate their healthcare system as equal partners. PAIR wants to ensure expert patients can co-create sustainable healthcare systems by improving their safety, quality, accessibility, acceptability, affordability, and equity.

EUPATI, Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) and PAIR work together as collaborative partners to create a patient education programme in the Asia-Pacific Region and beyond. This collaboration is based on the current EUPATI programme and model of education and delivery and will aim to expand the EUPATI programme of patient engagement into currently unserved global regions.

Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD)

Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD) aims to transform the way in which we understand, engage, and partner with patients globally in the design and development of research and medicines by focusing on unmet patient needs. PFMD (Patient Focused Medicine Development) & EUPATI have a common objective: supporting all stakeholders in making patient engagement the new normal. PFMD and EUPATI have joined efforts in providing training and increasing awareness about patient engagement to all stakeholders. This collaboration enables breaking down existing silos, identifying and disseminating best practices across the board, avoiding redundancy and fragmentation, and building coherent and complementary capacity to deliver patient engagement. The goal is to collaborate in developing a capacity building portfolio available in different formats: online (self-paced, provided by PFMD) and in-person (classroom training, provided by EUPATI), long and short versions to meet the needs of the various stakeholder groups and audiences. Please read more here: A shared vision: bringing empowered patients to the table.


Patvocates add tailored education to standardised EUPATI modules, targeting the same market. Patvocates is a social enterprise investing a percentage of its turnover in patient engagement initiatives such as the EUPATI Foundation. EUPATI and Patvocates collaborate around training and capacity building for patients and patient organisations.

The European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance)

ECHAlliance is a global health connector and a not-for profit organisation. Their global community connects 78 countries and 4.4 billion people (Africa, Americas, Asia, Canada, Caribbean, China, Europe, India, the Pacific & USA). Their community gathers 55+ digital health ecosystems, 750+ member organisations and 16,500 + experts. Their member organisations include companies, policy-makers, research organisations, health and social care providers, patient groups, insurance, procurers and government ministries. As a member organisation, their core activity is on connecting the dots for people – connecting them to each other. They do this through their network of Digital Health Ecosystems (groups who come together at local level to discuss issues), communications and networking, supporting their members, global events and funding/tenders and their large network of members.

EUPATI and ECHAlliance work together to share information which would benefit the membership and audiences of both organisations.


VMLY&Rx, previously known as WPP Health, is a global healthcare agency focused on Rx specialty pharmaceutical companies who are researching and developing breakthrough therapies. VMLY&Rx offers world-class brand building, experience marketing and healthcare-specific expertise.

EUPATI and VMLY&Rx collaborate around training about e.g. communications and fundraising for EUPATI National Platforms and other members of the EUPATI network.


The European Centre for Clinical Research Training (ECCRT)

The European Centre for Clinical Research Training (ECCRT) is a professional clinical research training provider focusing on the transfer of implementable knowledge in the day-to-day activities of our participants.

EUPATI and ECCRT collaborate around trainings about patient engagement in clinical research. ECCRT’s mission is to facilitate Clinical Research professionals to excel in their job for the benefit of patients. ECCRT aim to achieve this by providing clinical research professionals with competencies to develop new therapies for patients quicker & more efficient, without jeopardizing quality.